Preventing Space Heater Fires in Your Home

October 13, 2021

Many homes across the U.S. have space heaters as a way to supplement heat to areas that just don’t get warm enough from the traditional HVAC system. While you can get quick and clean heat from a space heater, they can pose some danger if you’re not careful. Each year, as many as 1,200 house fires are caused by space heaters. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can prevent space heater fires in your home. Always Unplug Your Heater When Not in Use If you’re done using your space heater, make sure

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What Does Furnace Maintenance Include?

September 17, 2021

Winter weather is right around the corner in Sherwood, AR, so it’s time to make sure your furnace is ready. A professional furnace tune-up ensures that your furnace will safely and efficiently heat your home during the cold months of the year. Our HVAC technicians perform many essential tasks during your annual furnace maintenance visit. System Inspection Our preventive maintenance visits for furnaces begin with a system inspection. Each part of your furnace will be checked for safety issues, excessive wear and tear, damage, and signs of an impending malfunction. This inspection allows our technicians to

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Is It Normal to Smell Gas Near a Furnace?

March 16, 2021

If you smell gas near your furnace, it can be a serious issue. However, there are a few times when it’s nothing to worry about and is considered perfectly normal. When a Gas Smell Isn’t Serious It’s not uncommon to smell gas when you turn your furnace on for the first time that year. The gas smell is likely coming from dust getting burnt as it’s been dormant for months. The smell is faint and will go away in a few minutes. It also not unusual for there to be a faint smell

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Do I Need Annual Furnace Maintenance?

January 5, 2021

Most American households choose furnaces to heat their homes. Although furnaces have long lives and generally need less maintenance than other central HVAC systems, they aren’t impervious to natural wear and tear. Investing in an annual furnace maintenance plan can have major benefits. Save Money Admittedly, HVAC maintenance costs money. However, you could pay lower utility bills by having your furnace serviced. Even if your utility savings and HVAC maintenance costs even out, annual maintenance plans prolong the useful life of your equipment and offer several other benefits you don’t want to miss

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4 Reasons Why Furnace Maintenance Is Necessary

December 3, 2020

Scheduling annual maintenance for your furnace offers a wide range of benefits. Reaching out to an HVAC company is a great option to ensure everything is working at an optimal level. Many times these professionals can recognize problems with your furnace and repair them before they develop into a more significant issue. Here are a few of the main reasons to consider furnace maintenance services. 1. Improves Energy Efficiency One of the primary benefits of furnace maintenance is that it helps you reduce your energy bill each month. A properly maintained furnace will

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